Your gap in your career should be signposted and celebrated not skipped over and concealed
To skim over it or hide it on your CV or LinkedIn is to support the myth that nothing useful happens outside of work
I don’t sign up to that
So what do you say to take the lead? To change the conversation without apology?
Here are 5 ways to frame your career gap positively...

''I am coming back stronger with more skills & experience''
When you left the office you started on an intensive skills development bootcamp. You have developed and grown as an individual and as an employee
Think about all of the skills you can now transfer back to the world of work. It could be patience and empathy or time management and resilience - everyone will have developed in their own way - think about yours
''I am so much more productive''
Becoming a parent often makes us more efficient, speedier, slicker and more adept at saying NO to things that don't add value
Your contribution at work should be measured on your value added and your output. You can now do more with less time because you have developed the gift of productivity
''I am more self-motivated and can be trusted''
You have delivered without the security of a team or comfort blanket of someone else picking up the slack.
You've been responsible for the life/lives of others and have navigated change and uncertainty independently - learning as you go and with an open mind.
''I have new perspectives and insights from a customer perspective''
This is particularly powerful if you are returning to a service industry or organisation that works with clients.
You will have been out in the world more - interacting with products and businesses as a consumer
You will know how it feels to be on the receiving end of of services and how they can be improved for the future
''I am coming back re-focussed, refreshed re-energised''
Because who doesn't feel better after a break?