What do you listen to when you are pottering around the kitchen or out for a walk?
For me it’s either a podcast or a Ted Talk - always inspiring and easier to get other things done than reading a book. I always come away with fresh ideas and a renewed sense of energy and confidence.
Here I’ve handpicked 6 Ted Talks to help boost your confidence and give you a new perspective on succeeding at work and life and motherhood
Because at times we all need a boost and there’s not always enough time to read a book

1. Amy Cuddy
'Your body language may shape who you are'
Great for anyone preparing for a challenge like an interview, difficult conversation, presentation or new job. (20.46 minutes) - to watch click here.
2. Helen Tupper & Sarah Ellis
'The best career path isn't always a straight line'
Great for anyone navigating a career path which no longer follows the outdated staircase model. (9.15 minutes) - to watch it click here.
3. Carol Fishman Cohen
'How to get back to work after a career break'
Great for anyone who has taken a career break and is now looking to return to the workforce. Some super inspiring case studies in this talk. (11.52 minutes) - to watch it click here.

4. Diana Eidelman
'What every new parent should know'
Great for any career-driven individual adjusting to their role as a new parent. A must watch. (12.30 Minutes) - to watch it click here
5. Simon Sinek
'How great leaders inspire action'
Great for anyone who wants to reflect on their why, connect with their USP and strengthen their ability to inspire others. (17.48 minutes) - to watch it click here.
6. Caroline McHugh
'The art of being yourself'
Great for anyone who wants to worry less about being judged by others, overcome self doubt and be more comfortable being yourself (26.23 minutes) - to watch it click here